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Umbraco vs WordPress: Which is the Better CMS?

Updated 4/1/2024

Finding the right content management system for your website can be challenging. Will it work for our workflows? Will it be easy to manage and update? Will there be updates to the technology on a regular basis? What CMS should I use? It’s easy to get lost in analysis paralysis when it feels like your decision could have major business implications.

The good news is that many established content management systems will likely work for your needs. It’s really a matter of clearly identifying your needs and finding a website development agency to help you build your site in a way that effectively addresses those needs.

That being said, there are a number of factors to consider when thinking about a content management system. Particularly if you are thinking about Umbraco vs. Wordpress.

Now that we've outlined the importance of choosing the right CMS for your needs, let's examine how Umbraco and WordPress stack up against each other, starting with their core similarities and differences.


Is Umbraco Similar to Wordpress?

While they are both content management systems, they are structurally different and serve slightly different purposes. Wordpress started off as a blogging platform that slowly morphed into a content management system. Its sole purpose was originally to support bloggers, making it easy to post and tag content. It is also built on PHP.

Umbraco, on the other hand, was built specifically for content management and integrations. It was built for website editors to easily manage content and media. Its tagline is “The Friendly CMS” because it was structured with the editor in mind. It is also built on .NET as opposed to PHP.


Key Differences Between Umbraco and Wordpress

The key differences between Umbraco and Wordpress really come down to structure and layout. Wordpress is built on PHP, is blog-focused and, perhaps most importantly, relies on 3rd party plugins for most functionality.

The concept of plugins with Wordpress is oftentimes used as a selling point for Wordpress, however these plugins are created by 3rd party developers. Some of these developers are professional shops with credibility, willing to keep their plugins updated for security vulnerabilities and to update with each new version update. However, some of these developers are not as credible and established and do not take the same precautions. This leads to security vulnerabilities which can lead to a hacked site. This is not necessarily as much of an issue for personal bloggers or mom and pop shops, but for a credible organization, getting hacked can cause a loss in credibility or, worse, sales and revenue.

Umbraco on the other hand is built with security in mind. It does not rely on add-ons or plugins to function and therefore is not vulnerable to the same types of attacks. It is generally more secure than Wordpress, making it one of the benefits of Umbraco.

Each also utilizes different ways of editing content. Wordpress relies heavily on a WYSIWYG editor to create content whereas Umbraco utilizes a drag and drop content block editor. There are a handful of plugins you can use to create drag and drop functionality in Wordpress, however they typically do not account for layouts on different devices and replace ease of use for the editor with a poor user experience.

While we've touched on security briefly, it's crucial to understand how Umbraco and WordPress approach this vital aspect differently, offering distinct levels of protection for your website.


Enhanced Security Measures: Umbraco vs. WordPress

Security is an absolute necessity when it comes to protecting your digital presence. Umbraco’s architecture prioritizes security from the ground up, reducing reliance on external plugins which can be a common source of vulnerabilities in CMS platforms. 

Unlike WordPress, which can require numerous third-party plugins to extend functionality—each introducing potential security risks—Umbraco offers robust features out-of-the-box. This design philosophy minimizes exposure to security threats, ensuring a secure foundation for websites of all sizes. Moreover, Umbraco’s active developer community and regular updates mean that security patches are promptly applied, safeguarding your site against the latest vulnerabilities.

Beyond security, choosing a CMS that can grow and adapt with your business is essential. Let's explore how Umbraco's technology stack positions it as a future-proof choice for your website's needs.


Future-Proofing Your Website with Umbraco’s Technology Stack

Choosing Umbraco is an investment in your website’s future. Built on the powerful and modern .NET framework, Umbraco offers unparalleled flexibility and scalability. This robust technology stack not only supports the complex needs of today’s businesses but also ensures that your website is prepared to adapt to future digital trends. 

With Umbraco, you’re not just getting a CMS; you’re getting a forward-thinking platform that will continue to evolve, ensuring your online presence remains dynamic and competitive.

Having established Umbraco's commitment to security and future-readiness, we'll now highlight other key benefits that make it a powerful, user-friendly platform for website editors and developers alike.


Benefits of Umbraco

There are many Umbraco features that make it easy for site editors to create, maintain, and organize content. Below are a few of the most popular Umbraco benefits.

Optimized Performance for Modern Websites

Today, website performance is judged more critically than ever. Users are inpatient and websites keep speeding up, and if you aren’t careful, your site will be left in the dust. Umbraco excels in delivering high-speed website experiences, thanks to its streamlined codebase and efficient content delivery. 

Unlike WordPress sites, which may become bogged down by heavy plugin use, Umbraco’s lean framework ensures that your site remains fast and responsive under a variety of conditions. This performance advantage is critical for SEO, user experience, and ultimately, conversion rates, making Umbraco an ideal choice for businesses aiming to maintain a competitive edge online.

No License Fees

There are no license fees for the Umbraco CMS. Your only costs are ongoing hosting and maintenance as needed.

Block Editor

The Block Editor in Umbraco's page builder feature allows users to utilize content blocks to construct pages as needed. It essentially utilizes a library of content blocks with various options to give users more control over each individual content block versus specific areas on a page.

Page Templates

Umbraco gives users the ability to create page templates for use in easily creating new pages and content moving forward. Page templates are great for building landing pages and specific types of content that will need to be used again in the future.

For example, if you build a number of landing pages for paid search campaigns, building a page template for a paid search landing page can be a great way to save time and effort as you create more pages in the future.

Dynamic Image Editor

For many, editing images on a content management system can be a frustrating experience. Finding out that your focal point is off or an image is cropped incorrectly typically means exporting from the site, loading in Photoshop, resizing the image, reuploading to the site, and crossing your fingers that it worked. It is not an efficient process and is certainly not something a marketer or designer wants to spend time doing.

Umbraco offers users an easy image editor in the interface to help modify images so they fit appropriately for all use cases across the site. This is especially helpful for images that are used in multiple areas on the site that need to be quickly adjusted.

Umbraco Forms

Umbraco Forms is a great tool to utilize to build out forms of all sizes and complexities. It gives you the ability to create custom workflows that fit with your organization so you can track entries appropriately and integrate with your business processes.

SEO Integration

SEO for Umbraco is extensive and integrated. It has many tools to integrate SEO optimizations as you create pages, giving you and your team as much control as needed to optimize your pages for search engines. This includes the ability to edit onsite page elements and to mark-up pages as needed.


Umbraco was built with all languages in mind. It greatly exceeds the capabilities of Wordpress in this respect as it is integrated directly into the CMS for easy translations and language management.

It also provides the ability to govern translations and published content. Once a translation is complete, it can either be published immediately or be sent for approval before publishing. Umbraco also gives you the ability to set the publishing permissions for certain pages to ensure the right languages are published before the page goes live.

A Vibrant Community and Unmatched Support

One of Umbraco’s greatest strengths lies in its community. A global network of developers, designers, and content creators stands ready to support, guide, and inspire Umbraco users. This vibrant community, coupled with comprehensive documentation and responsive support channels, ensures that help is always at hand. 

Whether it’s through collaborative problem-solving in forums or official guidance on best practices, the Umbraco community plays a pivotal role in empowering users to maximize their site’s potential. This level of support not only enhances the user experience but also fosters innovation and continuous improvement within the Umbraco ecosystem.

Wondering if an Umbraco Website is Right For You?

Let's talk about the best solution for your business.

Disadvantages of Umbraco

While there are many reasons to choose Umbraco as your CMS, it is important to know about the disadvantages as well.

It Might Be Too Much for Bloggers

If you are looking to create a site focused entirely on blog content, Umbraco might be too much for your needs. It is meant to be a full-bore content management system. If you are only looking to blog, it’s likely not the best choice for you.

It’s Lesser Known

While Umbraco is continuing to grow exponentially each year, comparatively it might be a lesser known CMS and may take some getting to know. While it has some truly incredible features, learning a new CMS can oftentimes require a leap of faith. Our recommendation would be to get a demo of the system first to experience the features first-hand before committing. Umbraco is a great CMS that, in many ways, outperforms Wordpress. However, getting your team or organization on board may require education and demonstration.

Not Ecommerce Ready Out of the Box

Umbraco does not have ecommerce functionality ready to roll in a standard installation. While it can certainly be bolted on utilizing trusted tools such as uCommerce or Vendr, it is not built first and foremost as an ecommerce platform.


Benefits of Wordpress

Below are a handful of benefits the Wordpress CMS offers.

No License Fees

Wordpress also does not have a license fee. It is completely free to utilize the Wordpress CMS.

On Page Editing

Wordpress utilizes a content editor named Gutenberg to allow users to edit content as it would be seen on the live site. This differs slightly from Umbraco which relies on the Block Editor to create and structure content. While this may be a streamlined user experience, it often does not account for various device layouts and sizes creating issues with more mobile devices.


Wordpress offers thousands of plugins that can be used to enhance your website. These plugins can be anything from SEO plugins to image gallery plugins to integration plugins. As noted, plugins can be a great way to easily integrate a tool with your site, but you should trust the developer and their update processes to ensure you are not creating a security vulnerability on your website.

Yoast SEO Plugin

Many users love to rave about the Yoast SEO plugin. It has been around for quite some time and offers a number of options for serious SEOs to play with. The reality is that a regular user will likely not use all of the options available, but there is no denying it gives a lot of control over the SEO features on the site.

It’s Popular

Wordpress is one of the most popular CMSs on the planet, owning approximately 40% of all content managed websites. It is familiar and has been used for many different sized websites. You’ve likely had some interaction with Wordpress (or have at least heard about it) at some point in your life. This is great if you want something familiar, but also means that hackers are more familiar with it as well.


Disadvantages of Wordpress

So what are the limitations of Wordpress? Below are a number of disadvantages to utilizing Wordpress.

Excessive Plugin Use

The use of plugins on Wordpress sites not only has the ability to cause security vulnerabilities, it can slow your site down. Each time a page loads, it has to load plugin functionality as well. The more plugins you have, the slower your site becomes. This is especially true if these plugins are not regularly updated.

Plugins also often come with functionality that you don’t need but that will still run. This means you might use 10% of a plugin's features, but 100% of it runs on your site. The result is a slow page load speed and poor user experience.

Security Issues

As noted earlier, Wordpress generally experiences more security breaches than other CMSs. Hackers find vulnerabilities in the website code or backchannel into your site through vulnerabilities in plugins. Once in, they can control your website by changing content, manipulating site code, taking your website down, or worse.

A good security team can help to mitigate risk of these issues, but many do not have the support or staff to properly address the risk.

Frequent Updates

Because there are so many developers for Wordpress, there are frequent updates needed to the core system, themes, and plugins. If these all are not updated often, it can cause issues with site functionality and speed. In some cases, it can cause issues with how your pages are displayed and how certain website features operate. If you do not have staff or a process in place, your site can quickly become out-of-date and cause you more issues.

Also Not Ecommerce Ready Out of the Box

Like Umbraco, Wordpress also does not have ecommerce functionality in a standard installation. There are also a handful of options to add ecommerce to a Wordpress site, but it is not inherently an ecommerce platform.


Who Should Use Umbraco?

The ideal user for Umbraco is really any mid to large organization focused on efficient editing experiences and customized user experiences. It is especially ideal for businesses that have integrations with marketing automation tools, CRMs, analytics tools, and even internal/external databases. It works well for B2B lead generation organizations, although it can be used in a variety of different applications.

Umbraco is also a great solution for organizations that need multi-site and multi-language management. It gives admins the ability to quickly edit and organize website content among different sites so they don’t have to manage multiple logins and so they can appropriately provide permissions to editors of specific sites. As mentioned earlier, it also provides a number of integrated options to provide translations for pages along with governance of multiple languages.

Ultimately, there are many Umbraco features and benefits that make it a great option for organizations of all types. The CMS has the ability to grow and scale with your organization and your business needs.

Looking to Switch From Wordpress to Umbraco?

Our team of dedicated web experts can help.

Who Should Use Wordpress?

Wordpress can be used in a variety of applications, but the ideal user for Wordpress is typically personal bloggers and smaller organizations who do not have the resources to build a more sophisticated website.

Wordpress can be stood up relatively easily and pre-developed themes can be found for cheap, just beware that you get what you pay for. Inexpensive themes may be prone to buggy experiences and a lack of regular updates. Developers can also be inexperienced and inefficient. Always ask for reviews and references, and vet out theme creators to ensure they have successfully developed a portfolio of stable, well-built themes.


Web Development Services from Marcel Digital

At Marcel Digital, we build websites that work for you and your business goals. We customize our approach to ensure that we are providing solutions that meet your needs and the needs of your editors and your organization.

We provide:

We’ve built powerful, customized solutions for hundreds of clients. Here are a handful of Umbraco website development case studies where you can see some Umbraco website examples:

We are eager to help you with your next website project and would be happy to discuss more of the benefits of the Umbraco CMS with you and your team. Reach out to us today or check out an online demo for more information.


Umbraco and WordPress differ primarily in their core architecture and target audience. Umbraco is built on .NET, focusing on providing a flexible, secure platform for complex websites, while WordPress is built on PHP, originally designed as a blogging platform but has evolved into a versatile CMS.

People often find that Umbraco better suits large organizations better due to its scalability, robust security features, and flexibility for custom development. It's designed to cater to complex website structures and integrates seamlessly with various enterprise-level systems.

Absolutely. While WordPress started as a blogging platform, it has grown into a full-fledged CMS capable of supporting a wide range of websites, from small business sites to large eCommerce platforms, with the help of various themes and plugins.

Umbraco provides a secure environment out-of-the-box without relying heavily on third-party plugins, minimizing potential security vulnerabilities. WordPress, while generally secure, can be more susceptible to security risks, especially if plugins are not carefully chosen and regularly updated.

Umbraco is known for its "The Friendly CMS" tagline, offering a user-centric editing experience with features like a block editor and a streamlined workflow. WordPress also provides a user-friendly experience, particularly with its Gutenberg editor, making content management accessible for users of all skill levels.

The choice between Umbraco and WordPress depends on your specific website needs, technical requirements, and team expertise. Umbraco is ideal for complex, custom-built websites requiring robust security and scalability. WordPress suits a wide range of websites, especially for users looking for a wide variety of themes and plugins.

  • Web Development

  • Umbraco

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About the author

Kyle Brigham

Kyle Brigham is the Chief Strategy Officer at Marcel Digital. He specializes in client services and project management, but also original Nintendo games and ping pong.

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