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Ask an Expert: Finding UA Reports in GA4


Hello, I'm Will, and I'm the analytics manager over at Marcel Digital. Today, I want to talk a little bit about GA4 and where you can find some of the reports that are used in UA in this new platform. Once GA4 loads and you see the home screen, we're going to go ahead and click on the reports section. Here you're going to see the report snapshots. This will give you a bunch of cards that have all kinds of valuable information and graphs on them. However, this is kind of a new area for a lot of people who are just getting introduced to GA4. If you want a more classical look, feel free to click on any of the Blue Links at the bottom of any of these reports. I'm going to go ahead and click on view user acquisition. Once this loads, you should see that it's very similar to UA at this point. You have your graphical information at the top and your table of data at the bottom. Go ahead and click that blue plus right next to that first user default Channel group, and you can even select your secondary dimensions that you're so used to selecting in the UA. This allows you to really break down your data. Finally, in the upper right-hand corner, you can click the pencil to edit your report and add in any filters that you may need. GA4 is a powerful tool, but it still grabs its roots from UA, and it has a lot of similarities once you get to know the platform more. Thanks for watching, and I hope this helped. Keep an eye out for more videos to come..

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