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Search Engine Optimization

Advocate Capital

Advocate Capital is a leading financial services company that provides funding to law firms, primarily plaintiff attorneys, to help them manage case expenses and litigation costs. They originally approached Marcel Digital seeking an experienced partner with the expertise to craft an SEO strategy tailored to their unique needs. Advocate Capital didn’t just want a few technical updates or surface-level recommendations; they needed a partner that would take a holistic approach to improving their online presence.

Why did we start the project?

The Challenge

Despite their unique and highly specialized service, Advocate Capital faced a challenge common to many businesses: a lack of organic visibility. Their ideal customer base—plaintiff law firms—has a distinct search behavior, and with only a handful of direct competitors, it was important for Advocate Capital to ensure their website ranked prominently for targeted search terms. While their website needed optimization from a technical SEO standpoint, they were unsure of how to achieve meaningful organic results. Advocate Capital required a more comprehensive approach that would address both the immediate technical issues and long-term content strategy to increase traffic and drive revenue.

What's going on?

The Analysis

To address Advocate Capital’s visibility issue, Marcel Digital took a strategic, collaborative approach. The first step was to conduct meetings with the Advocate Capital team to fully understand their services and goals. This allowed the SEO team to dive deep into the structure of the website, identifying opportunities for optimization and mapping out a content strategy that would resonate with Advocate Capital’s target audience. 

The primary objective of the SEO team was to increase traffic and generate more leads for Advocate Capital. The team began by optimizing the website for the relevant service terms, which initially led to a boost in traffic. However, as traffic began to grow, it became clear that the SEO strategy needed further refinement. 

After conducting additional research, the team discovered that additional targeted terms had higher search volumes and were more commonly used by potential clients.

By shifting focus to broader but highly relevant keywords, Marcel Digital was able to attract a larger audience. New service pages were developed to target a wider range of terms, along with additional sub-pages to support these terms. This content not only improved organic search rankings but also aligned with Advocate Capital’s business goals by addressing the specific needs of their target audience.

How Marcel Digital Helped

The Solution

A content calendar and roadmap were developed to ensure a steady flow of targeted content, reinforcing Advocate Capital’s authority on the subject. Throughout this process, the SEO team worked closely with Advocate Capital’s internal stakeholders and third-party developers to overcome any technical barriers, such as limited access to make changes directly on the website. 

The team also had to balance the SEO strategy with Advocate Capital’s paid media efforts, ensuring the two channels worked harmoniously. Through continued collaboration and clear communication, Marcel Digital demonstrated the importance of aligning SEO and paid strategies, leading to a more cohesive approach.

Despite facing challenges with development and limited access to implement technical changes directly, the SEO team’s persistence paid off. Through ongoing collaboration with Advocate Capital and its partners, the team was able to demonstrate the importance of SEO and content creation, consistently producing timely, relevant content that contributed to improved search engine rankings and lead generation.

What Happened After Launch?

The Results

By working closely with Advocate Capital, Marcel Digital successfully implemented an SEO strategy that resulted in increased organic traffic and improved lead generation. Through consistent content creation and the optimization of key service pages, the SEO team was able to not only drive more visitors to the site but also directly contribute to new business by targeting the right keywords. With monthly insights into lead sources, Marcel Digital was able to track which keywords were driving conversions, providing measurable proof of their impact. 

Ultimately, the combination of technical SEO improvements, keyword strategy refinement, and ongoing content development allowed Advocate Capital to better serve their clients while continuing to grow their business.

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