Scott has a real passion for website development. Since 2010, Scott has worked on various development projects ranging from Umbraco websites to online applications. His experience in efficient programming methods have allowed him to quickly and effectively find solutions to complex development challenges.
Scott has a Bachelors degree in Computer Science and a Masters degree in Sofware Engineering from DePaul University. Scott is passionate about photography and has a need for speed with cars.
With great power comes great responsibility.
Uncle Ben (Spider Man)
Favorite Vacation Spot
Favorite Beverage
Root Beer Floats
Favorite TV Show
Scooby Doo
Favorite Challenge Food
Ice Cream
Hidden Talent
Excellent at Dance Dance Revolution
Weird Fact
You'll get me every time with food
Fun Fact
Owns a gigantic retro video game collection
Something You Hate
Bugs (real and virtual)
Favorite Pastime
Favorite Restaurant
Favorite Song To Dance To
Gangnam Style
First Concert
Fab Four
Favorite Nicholas Cage Movie
Ghost Rider
Most Famous Celebrity Met
Might Morphin Power Rangers
First Job
Sushi Chef
What You Wanted to Be When You Grew Up
A Power Ranger