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Web Development

Insurance Auto Auctions (IAAI)

Insurance Auto Auctions (IAAI) wanted to create a mobile site for vehicle sellers. With approximately 20 percent of its AdWords advertising budget devoted to mobile, the IAAI team wanted to place a stronger emphasis on mobile conversions.

Increase in mobile site conversions
Increase in mobile site traffic

The Challenge

Marcel Digital's mission was to create a user experience with content and tools that prioritized the mobile visitor. Marcel was also tasked with rebuilding the IAAI AdWords campaign to better target mobile searches that were being conducted by potential customers. This would require continued optimizations to better target user's searches, while also provided a site that was tailored to mobile traffic coming to the site through paid search and organic efforts.

The Analysis

Marcel Digital began by utilizing our experience and knowledge of both mobile web development and paid search best practices from Google and other search engines to ensure we approached our strategy appropriately. What we found was that IAA's mobile experience was not meeting search engine best practices, requiring a content and layout revamp. Part of this issue was because URLs were not redirecting from the desktop URLs to mobile URLs, creating a lacking user experience.

We then did extensive research into target queries and user searches for a mobile paid campaign build. The foundation we built for this campaign would be flexible and allow for us to refine the campaign as we saw user searches and key metrics change.

The Solution

Marcel Digital got straight work on our findings and research. Our solutions included:

  • Implemented automatic redirects from the web to mobile site for mobile devices
  • Updated content and layouts for better user experience and higher quality scores
  • Tested and refined AdWords mobile-targeted campaigns
  • Continued optimizations to AdWords campaigns and site features tailored to mobile traffic

These solutions not only helped the IAAI website perform better from a user experience standpoint but also helped increase our landing page Quality Scores within Google AdWords, driving more targeted traffic and giving IAAI better visibility for their paid efforts. We continued to fine-tune our paid search strategy, targeting more focused queries and keywords that were matching both our user's needs and intent, driving higher quality leads and conversions over time.

The Results

Through vigorous research and creating an experience that not only met user's needs but also search engine paid search best practices and standards, Marcel Digital was able to increase IAAI's ROI exponentially. Not only did mobile site traffic increase by 58%, but mobile site conversions increased by over 20%.

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